Willow and Jaden Smith Talk Fashion, Family and More in Interview Mag’s Latest Issue

Willow Smith,15 and Jaden Smith,18 feature in the September issue of Interview. The pair reveal their famous parents’ lifelong impact, fashion and more. Read more below.
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“Growing up, all I saw was my parents trying to be the best people they could be, and people coming to them for wisdom, coming to them for guidance, and them not putting themselves on a pedestal, but literally being face-to-face with these people and saying, ‘I’m no better than you, but the fact that you’re coming to me to reach some sort of enlightenment or to shine a light on some-thing, that makes me feel love and gratitude for you,'” Willow explained to Pharrell Williams for the September issue of Interview.

“They always give back what people give to them. And sometimes they keep giving and giving and giving. And some people don’t feel like they need to give anything back because it’s like, ‘Oh, if you’re famous, you can just keep giving, and it doesn’t matter.”willow and jaden 7 willow and jaden“It’s not just about money. It’s not just about giving people gifts or whatever. What my parents have given to me is not anything that has to do with money or success or anything that society says people should be focusing on—it’s something spiritual that only certain people can grasp and accept. And that’s how I act and move in the world today,” Willow continued.

“I 100 percent agree,” Jaden echoed. “My parents are definitely my biggest role models. And that’s where me and Willow both pull all of our inspiration from to change the world. It all comes from a concept of affecting the world in a positive way and leaving it better than it was than when we came.”

And they seem to do a lot together, spotted walking red carpets side by side… “Our parents were never like, ‘You have to love them.’ It was more like, ‘You have your life. He has his life. And when you guys want to come together, when you guys want to commune, that’s up to you,'” Willow said.

“Throughout us realizing ourselves and realizing each other, we just opened our eyes and were like, ‘Damn, you are the yin to my yang.’ Not a lot of siblings have that opportunity, because they’re always being pushed together so much. They need their time apart in order to realize themselves and realize who they are.”

“We would wear the craziest things. Jaden would only wear his Spider-Man costume. I would freaking mismatch every single shirt and pants in my closet,” Willow said. “We would just be so rambunctious with our clothing choices. And when we were old enough to start dressing ourselves, my mom was like, ‘Are you sure you want to go out like that?’ And me and Jaden would be like, ‘You know what? Yes.’ And she’d totally accept it. I feel like that’s where most of our confidence comes from.”

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