Flirting At Work (Image: Glamour)

When Flirting At Work Goes Too Far

Let’s not beat about the bush – flirting is a fun and natural part of social interaction, and everyone does it. Flirting doesn’t stop just because you are in a relationship, and as long as it’s harmless, there shouldn’t be an issue.

However, for all of you in a relationship – how do you know when flirting has gone too far? It’s usually when your boyfriend/girlfriend is staring evils so sharp they could give James Bond’s laser beams a run for their money. Check out the signs for when flirting goes too far and how you can resolve the, ahem, awkwardness.

1.Constant distractions.

Flirting At Work (Image: Glamour)
Flirting At Work (Image: Glamour)

Innocent Flirting can make a long day at work less tedious, but if you spend more time flirting and thinking about flirting, it may well have gone a tad too far.

2.You delete emails and lie.

Delete! (Image: Flickr)
Delete! (Image: Flickr)

When you start lying about your conversations, or deleting emails and texts, you definitely have a problem. If it’s all innocent, then there is no need to hide. At this stage you might need to rethink the whole flirting lark, and back off.

3.Others notice.

women gossiping at work
It’s Been Noted! (Image: Business Men Daily)

Comments such as, ‘Wow, does Katie know you have a GF?’ is basically code for, ‘What are you doing?’ Should people start to notice your closeness, there just might be cause for concern.

4.It gets physical.

Too Much Touchy-Feely? (Image: Wise Geek)
Too Much Touchy-Feely? (Image: Wise Geek)

Sure, some people are naturally touchy-feely. Yet, if the flirting banter has now progressed to this stage, and one or both of you are in a relationship – its time to re-evaluate.

5.Extra time.

Lunch Together! (Image: Blog.Mesh Better)
Lunch Together! (Image: Blog.Mesh Better)

Have you begun taking your lunches together, down to the park? Are you engaging in after work drinks that seem to last longer and longer? If you are already in a relationship, this is about to get very ugly!

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