spider man no way home film movie 2021

Spider Man: No Way Home Review

The film of the year, the most anticipated film of the year, No Way Home was finally released last week and it has been literally the only thing anyone has been talking about. Did Tom Holland’s Spider-Man defeat old foes? Did Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire actually appear in the film? Where can Spider-Man go from here? Here’s our review of Marvel’s No Way Home.


Callbacks and subtle hints

Marvel films aren’t exactly subtle when it comes to their jokes or humour. That’s a given. It’s what we love about them. However, something seemed to change with the latest installment of the Spider-Man movies. Yes, there were still cringe-worthy moments and maybe it wasn’t the greatest film ever made. But it doesn’t have to be. It is still one of the best Marvel films to date and one reason for that is the callbacks to the older films and the feeling of nostalgia when watching it. The inclusion of not only two previous Spider-Man characters but also their infamous villains was fantastic. Willem Dafoe is a stand-out in this film, reprising his role as Norman Osborne/The Green Goblin. 

Image: variety.com

Redemption Arcs

One of the age-old debates between Spider-Man fans has been which is the best Spider-Man? Who is the best Peter Parker? Who had the best villain? The best love interest? One Spider-Man who has been extremely underrated since his last film in 2014 has been Andrew Garfield. Garfield is known as one of the greats of modern cinema. His latest work, tick tick…BOOM! has been cited as one of the best films of the year. However, in terms of his portrayal of Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man films, fans haven’t always been so enamoured with him. It’s a shame when it’s clear how much of a fantastic actor he is, not only that, but Garfield has been a life-long fan of Spider-Man.

One massively positive aspect of the latest film is the rise in popularity in Garfield’s portrayal of Spider-Man. Fans were ecstatic at both his and Tobey Maguire’s first appearance in the film. But something has shifted when it comes to Garfield’s Spider-Man. It seems he is finally getting the appreciation he deserves. 

Image: denofgeek.com

Generational Fun

One of the best things about this movie is that it can be enjoyed by anyone. So many different generations have grown up watching these movies. But a wonderful thing is that so many younger audiences were just as excited as people who watched the first Spider-Man film back in 2002. This is something that so many people can share. But also, viewers that aren’t usually interested in Marvel films can appreciate this film for what it is. A great movie.

Image: cnet.com

Fan service done right

The so-called ‘fan service’ is something that many people aren’t particular fans of. It’s a shame, because when it is done right, it is perfect. Endgame was accused of having too much fan service. Fan service isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes a film needs to give fans what they want, they need to listen to the fans because more times than not, they do know what they’re talking about. No Way Home was perfect in that regard. It exceeded so many people’s expectations. Although it did include many scenes that could be seen as ‘fan service’, it was done in a way that didn’t feel out of place, cringey or cheesy. Everything just seemed to work. This was a movie that has made so many people happy. People actually cheered in the cinemas in the U.K and that is very rare.

spider man no way home
Image: insidethemagic.net

Heartbreaking performances

Another stand-out aspect with this film was the truly incredible performances. Tom Holland, who, in terms of his acting, has been pretty underrated. However, Holland exceeded almost everyone’s expectations in this movie. There were many raw, heartbreaking moments where Holland was fantastic. His acting ability has definitely improved since his first appearance in the MCU in Captain America: Civil War. There has always been something innocent about Holland’s Spider-Man, not as dark as the previous two. However, this has all changed. Fans are now excited to see where this Spider-Man will go next. Holland was not the only one who excelled in this film. The performances from Zendaya and Marisa Tomei, as MJ and Aunt May, were also fantastic. A personal favourite of many, however, was the reintroduction of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. Who both seemed like they hadn’t been away.

spider man no way home
Image: lattices.com

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