To the blissfully ignorant ears, sex roulette parties probably sound like something that might actually be quite fun; think again my friends. Sure, sex roulette parties do involve a game, but we can guarantee it won’t be a sex game the majority of us (or basically any mentally balanced person) would wish to participate in.
So what exactly is this strange and enticingly named game? Brace yourselves – and we mean that literally – because sex roulette is extreme sex that involves risking your actual life. It is a ‘game’ in which groups of people have unprotected sex whilst being aware that one of them secretly has HIV. The fun is in not knowing which sicko it is.

According to Metro News, Doctors in Barcelona stated that ‘sex roulette’ parties occur, mainly amongst homosexual men. Previously there were reported cases of parties of this nature happening amongst rich individuals in Serbia. In the light of the fact that due to advances in treatment, HIV is no longer essentially a life sentence, some people who look for the ultimate thrill might be more willing to participate in such a game.

Metro News stated that a Dr Josep Mallolas at the Hospital Clinic Barcelona said: “There is everything: sex roulette parties, or sex parties you can only attend if you already have HIV.” He added that, “Some of the parties are known as ‘blue’ parties because attendees take anti-viral medication to cut the risk of transmitting the virus.” Well, that makes things so much better!
According to various sources, this morbid game involves the participants all wearing masks, which apparently adds to the thrill. Allegedly, the sex roulette game was initially founded in Serbia, and was first called Serbian roulette. Should you feel a little risqué, it might be an idea to stick with an Anne Summers sex board game – of which you can play whilst wearing masks (if that’s your thing).

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