Our digital campaign clients and collaborations include brands such as Ted Baker, Versace, Karl Lagerfeld, L’Occitane, GAP, Dr Martens, Murad, Dermoligica, Sure, Johnson’s, Shea Moisture and Colgate, to name a few.

Gifted Products
All products featured on FRUK are independently selected and published by our editors. But we are happy to include gifted items or review products but would only accept products that are of great interest to our readers. We reserve the right to post gifted items as desired, especially if no payment is made (paid advertising / advertorial). However, sometimes social media stories via FRUK magazines page or editors page may feature “unboxing” posts on products we may or may not have tried, tested, nor intend to test or publish. Also, any gifts/samples received does not guarantee a feature online or in print, and we DO NOT return samples under any circumstances. So we advise you to send us gifts/samples that do not need to be returned. Finally, we sometimes earn an affiliate commission when our audience buys through our retail link and sample products may be sold in our shop or used as part of a giveaway or competition.
Sponsored Posts
We consider sponsored blog posts on our site and social media, as long as the product or company is suited to our readers. We no longer accept sponsored post written by a third party, all content on this site is original to author. We have a rate for sponsored posts, advertising and collaboration fees which is subject to change from time to time. Please contact us for more information.
Please email for advertising rates and media kit.
Please note, FRUK Magazine would only post about products and services that we genuinely like, trust, tried or tested and will always be 100% honest to our readers. Also, some features are now liable to charges and rates vary on content, placement and time of sale and all payments must be confirmed and approved by the Editor in Chief only.
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