Iman Slays At 60 For Vanity Fair

The beautiful Somalian model Iman celebrates turning 60 with a glamorous cover and spread for the July 2015 issue of Vanity Fair Italia.

Iman was photographed by Markus & Koala, the Somalian beauty spots a bob hair cut and dark plum lips. Joseph Turla styled Iman in beautiful pieces including a little black dress from Balenciaga and sheer gown from Blumarine. She posted on instagram saying; ‘Wisdom and grace comes with age’ under a photo from this spread which also stated ‘At this age I’m only interested in consistency, stability, respect and loyalty’ #ImanAgelesrsChic In the interview with Vanity Fair Iman talks about getting old and her 23 year marriage to David Bowie.iman

” You are married for 23 years: the age also changes the wedding? “Nothing has changed from what attracted me in him from from the beginning, including his incredible intellectual voracity. Imagine what it would be to live with a musician who speaks only of rock: we would have to shoot. Instead David goes to see all the new shows and I’ve never known anyone who reads what he: we deliveries from Amazon every day, not counting what they buy on the Kindle. When you are passionate about something you can do him any question he knows everything. ” What concerns me right now? “Putin and the Russian history. I come home and find it to look old Russian films in black and white, because he wants to understand the roots of what is happening now. It goes deep, and his enthusiasm is contagious, because it makes me be of interest to many things that otherwise would not know anything. ” Like what? “The furniture Memphis. It is crazy, began to collect them every week comes a new piece. And now I love them: their use of color, and the combination of white and black, they adapt very well to the African masks that I bought. ” Who cooks at home? “David makes the coffee.” 

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