In today’s society whereby tech multi-tasking is a given, it’s no surprise that we tend to be a tad forgetful or frequently lose our concentration. However, should this become a daily issue it may be undiagnosed ADHD.
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is often undiagnosed. It is estimated that only 10% of adults (who meet the criteria for ADHD) have been diagnosed/received treatment.
These statistics are quite troubling. How do we discover whether our over-forgetfulness/distractive behaviour is a reaction to stress, or is in fact, ADHD, and what risk does this disorder pose? Here are some pointers to help:

If you are always late for appointments or work, are constantly forgetting things, or feel overwhelmed by the tasks at hand, you could have ADHD. Read on.
2.You Were Labelled At School

At school, did parents and teachers consider you to be a slacker or troublemaker, or say you were not a good student? The reasons for being unfocused may well have been an undiagnosed ADHD disorder.

Persistently being unable to maintain your focus on jobs at hand, or never finishing projects is a clear indicator of adult ADHD. You may have just presumed you have no motivation for various other reasons in your life, even though you are now an adult, and your lack of motivation remains.
4.You Have Always Felt Like This
If you have experienced these frustrating problems for as long back as you can remember, the chances are it is down to undiagnosed ADHD. Many people who suffer from this condition state that they have always felt this way.
5.You Suffer From Other Mental Health Problems: People with ADHD often have other mental health problems such as anxiety or depression. Research shows that over a third of women with ADHD also suffer from anxiety. Additionally, people with undiagnosed ADHD are likely to feel anxious, depressed, or insecure, because their symptoms have led them to perhaps feel frustrated or incompetent over the years.
6.The Good News: The good news is that once ADHD has been diagnosed and treatment has begun, a person will more often that not, notice their other mental health problems improve. ADHD is a neurobiochemical disorder, so medications are given that increase the brain’s levels of dopamine. ADHD is successfully treated with medication, together with cognitive behavioural therapy. If these symptoms sound familiar, go and see your G.P. Your life can get better.
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