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Could You Have OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects approximately 1 in 1000 people in the UK. Currently, there are around 750,000 reported cases in the country, and the amount of people being diagnosed with this condition is on the rise. OCD can affect men, women and children, and comes in a variety of forms, from obsessive cleaning to situations whereby sufferers act in a potentially life-threatening way, such as the recent case in which a woman revealed she eats her own armchair.

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So, how does this awful condition come about? What are the signs, and what can be done about it? Read on to discover more about OCD, and how to recognise it. You may know someone who is suffering from this condition, or recognise some of the symptoms in yourself.


In which an unpleasant thought or image repeatedly occurs throughout the day/night.


These thoughts trigger extreme stress.


Constantly repeating acts/behaviours or having repetitive thoughts you feel forced to undertake due to the anxiety of the obsession.

4.Temporary Relief

Temporary relief is found following the act of compulsive behaviour, but this is short-lived.

Some common OCD behaviours include:

1.Eating Disorder

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Some people may over eat, and some might insist on an extremely strict diet as part of their compulsive behaviour.

2.Fear Of Harming Yourself Or Others

The fear of harming yourself or others, either accidentally or intentionaly is an extremely common compulsive disorder.

3.Obsessive Cleaning/Fear of Contamination

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Worrying about contracting a disease, germs or an infection from your surroundings or other people is another very common OCD.

4.Obsessive Checking

Do you need to check that every single switch in your house is turned off before going to bed? Once you have gone to bed do you find yourself getting back up to check again? This is a very common sign of OCD.

5.Need For Symmetry

The need for obsessive order or symmetry is another form of OCD. Turning every label on each and every can, so that it faces precisely forward, or making sure the handles on your cups all face east or West are signals of having an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If you know anyone who displays these symptoms or feel that you might be suffering from this condition – there is no need to suffer. Go and see your Doctor who will be able to help.

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