Sourced via Evolution Male

Best Flirting Tips

In this day an age, the art of flirting has changed, do you direct message your love interest on Instagram, or make it short and sweet on Twitter. Do you like it the good old fashion way, meet through mutual friends and go for dinner. We prefer the traditional type of romance, Tinder and POF is good, but what happens when you get on the actual date. Body language is very important, that will give you an early tale tale sign. Is he leaning in, mirroring your posture, or is he too touchy feely on the first date? Either way that is the first indication of where the date is heading.

sourced via Objective Soul
Sourced via Objective Soul

Eye contact, yes you maybe shy, but hold his gaze, but obviously don’t be too intense with your gaze you may come across off as a little too intense. Somewhere in the middle is perfect.

Sourced via Evolution Male
Sourced via Evolution Male

Physical contact, this is the deal breaker, if you have carefully followed the steps above, and you feel he is attracted to you, a cheeky pat on the wrist could do no harm. A friendly touch on the shoulder, can be deemed as a friendly gesture, whilst still remaining flirty.

Sourced via Psychology Today
Sourced via Psychology Today

Now for the juggler, you’ve been flirting away like a pro, battering of the eyelashes and all. Now slowly withdraw and subtly change the direction of the conversation. This will leave them subtly confused, but of course wanting more because you have successfully captured their attention.