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How To Give Your Brain A Boost

At some point, we’ve all awoken feeling like our brain is playing a slow game of catch up. On such occasions, the majority of us reach for a caffeine fix to rectify the problem. However, is there something better to kick-start our brains into action? Apparently, there are a few other ingredients that will re-energize the system, helping us to keep alert and focused – and it’s not Pro Plus. Here are some alternative solutions for sluggishness.


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This truly is a fabulous herb for protecting brain cells from free radical damage, whilst improving memory and mental performance. Researchers have concluded Ginseng works as an exceptional brain booster.

2.Fruit And Wholegrain

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In moderation, fruit can offer massive benefits. In particular, avocados and blueberries are extremely beneficial for the brain. Brimming with antioxidants, and having the ability to stimulate blood flow, these fruits will give our brains a worthy boost.

3.Breakfast Cereal

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There’s a reason your mother insisted you ate your breakfast – the reason being it sets up your body and brain for the day ahead. Although breakfast cereal has got a bad rap in recent years due to the sugar/salt content, cereals are also packed with B vitamins, of which will energize your body and mind, thus helping you to maintain clarity and focus.


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Fish contains omegas-3 and 6, of which are vital for maintaining proper brain function. These nutrients are touted for preventing the onset of dementia and even stroke. So, who’s for fish and chips tonight?

5.Chocolate And Nuts

dark chocolate
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Hurray – at last we can feel a little less guilty for shovelling chocolate down our throats like there’s no tomorrow. However, there is a catch; it has to be dark chocolate, as this is the only type that is packed with antioxidants to diminish harmful effects of free radicals, keeping our brain and skin in top form.  Nuts are a rich source of vitamin E, which has been found to prohibit cognitive decline. For people with milk chocolate addiction – we advise you to power through with the darker chocolate. In the mean time, we may request Cadbury creates a dark version of it’s fruit and nut bar – problem solved!